Create Freedom By Faith is founded with the sole purpose to spread the word and concepts of Proctor Gallagher Institute by helping people:

Susan-Ann Sundgaard
Higher Potential and Success Coaching
- Are you struggling through life?
- Do you feel that there is something more to life?
- Have you ever considered what it is you REALLY want?
I can help you answer these questions and more and teach you
how to create YOUR freedom by faith.
What is Create Freedom by Faith?
- who are struggling more or less from the cradle to the grave,
- who want more in life, but are constantly held back by critics from others and themself – you are too old; you do not have the money; you do not have the time; you should be satisfied with what you have,
- who are settling for second, third, fourth best and just assuming that this is how life should be
- who feel stuck in a job, a relationship, their results – their life and they feel like the hamster in the wheel never daring to jump off
- who dream of freedom, be it time, financial or other,
- who want to pursue their dream but do not know how
- who want to excel and grow as a person – to become their better version.
CFBF is convinced that we are all unique and we all have the right to live a rich life…happy, healthy and wealthy, exactly as we choose.
Why “Create Freedom By Faith”, well that is easy. Freedom is something that we all can relate to, that we all want. Faith is just one of the 13 principles of prosperity – it is no better than any of the others but the word and concept “faith” has a deep importance for me – Faith has been my strength.
We are the person we are today based on thoughts, beliefs and habits, which have been passed down for generations plus we have been conditioned by our environment: family, friends, institutions, and if we want to achieve a goal that seems unreachable, we have to change and thus create our new life. The butterfly is a symbol for both freedom and faith. Welcome to Create Freedom By Faith.

TIR Program - Thinking Into Results
The Thinking Into Results program was designed with goal achievement in mind and will systematically take you through 12 powerful lessons, teaching you how to create new and desired results. Each lesson builds upon the previous, which increases its effectiveness. It is through the repetition of these lessons that you will experience permanent changes with regards to your family, social life, health and your life. You have absolutely no idea where this material will take you, but you are guaranteed success if you are committed to listen to what is said, do what you are told and surrender to the process.
With regards to results, remember this, it’s what we think about that ultimately manifests as results. That may seem a bit far-fetched or fantasy-like, but as you get more involved in the material you will begin to realize how true that really is.
You will never find out what you are truly capable of doing and/or being if you don’t take action. It can be scary to do something so “out of the norm” as to invest in yourself but if you think about it, investing in yourself is the best investment you ever can make.
We only have this one life, as far as we know, and therefore we should make the absolute best out of it. We have the tools and the genius potential inside of us, we just have to learn how to use them.
Proctor Gallagher Institute
The Proctor Gallagher Institute is founded by legendary prosperity teacher of personal growth Bob Proctor and his partner Sandy Gallagher.
Bob Proctor passed on February 3, 2022. Bob dedicated 60+ years in the Human Growth and Potential field – a world renowned teacher, speaker and expert on the mind, human potential and success. He has helped millions of people to discover their genius potential and achieve the goals of their dreams and he has helped many of the largest companies in the world to become even more successful. You may know Bob Proctor from the hit movie, The Secret. Bob is the author of the New York Times Best Selling book You Were Born Rich.
“The Proctor Gallagher Institute is dedicated to waking the world up so more people can reach their potential and live the way they truly want to live - through shifting paradigms.”
For more information about the Proctor Gallagher Institute just click here.
Who am I?
That is an interesting question. Are you really who you are pretending to be? The answer to that is more than likely “no”.
I didn’t know the person I pretended to be when I seriously started this journey with Bob, Sandy and the PGI team and started studying me and who I am.
Hi, I am Susan-Ann and I am a PGI consultant. I am the owner and founder of Create Freedom By Faith. With my hand on my heart, I can truly say that these concepts and material that is shared by PGI, including the TIR program, does really change your life. I have manifested things in my life I never considered possible and I have found my true potential and created a rich self-image, happy, healthy and wealthy. It is incredible what this material has done for me and I am looking forward to finding out what it can do for you.

After 20+ years as a salesperson, I made a decision to find out who I am and what I really want in life and so I quit my job and went on my life’s wildest and most thrilling journey ever…and it continues to get better. I always had that feeling of not quite fitting in and that there must be more to life than the 9-5 drill. I realized with the guidance and mentorship of PGI that I had a burning desire to help others as a PGI consultant. My days are amazing and fulfilling – I am excited every single morning. I am dedicated to teaching you how to become the best version of yourself and to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.
Get in touch with me if you would like to know more about the TIR program. Let me help you find out who you really are and what you can be! I am looking forward to connecting with you.
Who are you?
Just like everything else in life, the only time success is achieved is if there is complete and irrevocable commitment. Thus it is important to note that you cannot be wishy-washy with your involvement in the materiale and still expect to have tremendous success and growth.
So if you are:
- stuck in your ways and you think that you know everything about life
- unwilling to be open-minded and change
- pessimistic and think that this is just some magic hoax
- not interested in personal development and growth
then this is not for you … Yet!
Create Freedom By Faith believes in unlimited possibilities. We are all unique and we should express our uniqueness. My clients want measurable results and incredible growth in their lives. Together we discover the better version of you and guide you where you want to go.
Please promise me that you won’t reject it just because you don’t understand it.

Let´s talk and let’s
Create YOUR freedom by faith!
Book a free call
Start to create YOUR freedom by faith. Contact me for a free in-depth presentation and see if this is a match for you.
Create Freedom By Faith
Poul Anker Bechs Vej 142
DK-9200 Aalborg SV
VAT: DK 42855499
T: +45 60 95 93 73
© 2025 | Create Freedom by Faith | All Rights Reserved